About Lodewycks & Cocovite

About Lodewycks & Cocovite


Lodewijckx is an international group with a full range of innovative egg products and application expertise in the food sectors. Products and services are available in more than 100 countries around the world. Customers are artisans, industry, retailers and food service. We aim to be 'reliable partners in innovation' wherever we are in the world, and so help our customers deliver nutritious, tasty food for the communities they live in. Our head office is in Veerle Laakdal in Belgium.
We are passionate about eggs and we are always looking to push the frontiers of innovation.

19XX Lodewijckx was founded
19XX Lodewijckx creates Cocovite, its flagship brand for egg products. It has since become world-renowned and is the preferred egg product around Europe.
20XX Lodewijckx takes over Euro-Ei in Kruishoutem a leader in shell eggs for the retail consumer market.
20XX Lodewijckx takes over the egg powder activities of Belovo and relaunched it as Pulviver.
20XX Launch of in shell pasteurised eggs

Vision & values

Lodewijckx strives to find the best egg product solution, whilst taking into account the nature of the products and observing the food industry’s highest quality and usage standards.

Innovation is the starting point for product development in terms of taste, texture and nutritional value, as well as usage and
storage convenience.

Consistent quality: To meet the egg industry standards and quality requirements, we carry out constant checks at every production stage and carefully verify the origin of all raw materials we use. High quality products are guaranteed.

Commitment: We believe in what we do, we honour the commitments we make to our different stakeholders: farmers, production partners,

Customer focus: We focus on our customers’ needs, and develop products and solutions which fulfill their product requirements and working environment, as well as helping them to create added value for their consumers. We have a wide range of customers, from industrial through B-to-B customers in food preparation, as well as many food service customers such as restaurant chefs, catering chefs, bakers and butchers.

Eieren spelen hier een belangrijke rol.....

Unsere Vision

Was bedeutet unternehmerisches Handeln für uns? Und welche Werte sind uns wichtig?

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Cocovite ist für Sie da! Unsere Vertriebsmitarbeiter stehen Ihnen gern mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.

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Unsere Zertifikate

Damit wir Ihnen immer hervorragende Eiprodukte liefern können, kontrollieren wir jede Phase unseres Produktionsprozesses genauestens.

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